Sponsorship Programs
Shechen Monastery in Nepal needs your support for the growing number of monks who are coming to study and practice. The monastery provides for the monks’ complete education in addition to covering all expenses for food, shelter, clothing and medical care. These sponsorship programs have been in effect for thirty years and provide partial support for over 800 monks and nuns. Please join us.
Children Fund
In the Shechen School 240 children receive a traditional education with a modern curriculum at the Shechen School. The school goes from kindergarten until 12th Grade. The students receive a government high school certificate once they finish their studies. The school employs women, lay people, and monastic teachers, and subjects include science, math English language, Nepali, social studies, and Tibetan reading and writing.
Nuns Fund
Shechen Orgyen Chodzong Nunnery in Bhutan provides a similar training and education for women, including a nine-year shedra or college training. One hundred and eighty nuns live, practice meditation, and are educated in two rural nunneries and a retreat center. They are taught by Shechen khenpos and lopons and nuns who have graduated the college.
The younger girls, ages 5-14, live and are educated in a smaller nunnery in the Valley of the Cranes.
Your tax-deductible annual contribution of only $250 goes towards the support of a young monk or a nun and also helps to sustain the community as a whole.
This is a rare opportunity to help young people inherit the richness of their own culture and to preserve a vital link for future generations.
Click Donate to sponsor a monk or nun annually ($250) either through a one-time or monthly recurring donation ($21/monthly). Please indicate if you are prefer to sponsor a nun or a monk,
By Check:
Please send a check made out to Shechen to: Dilgo Khyentse Fellowship, c/o Arabella Advisors, 275 7th Avenue, 15th Floor, New York, NY 10001. Indicate if you want to sponsor a nun or a child, and include your postal and email addresses.
By Bank Transfer:
For information on how to send bank transfers or wire please contact shechen.dkf@shechen.org
Thank you.