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Your Contributions Support:

*The Shechen School –  secular/monastic education, and hostel

*Education and Spiritual Development- Nepal, India, and Bhutan for nuns and monks

*Shechen Stupas in Nepal and India

*Ani Marilyn Gallery and Cafe –  Help build  a cultural center in Bhutan to support young nuns 

*Fresco Restoration and Young Artists

*The Eco Group – Bringing Environmental Change and Awareness 

To Make a Donation:

 One-Time or Monthly Recurring Donation by Credit Card:



Please send a check made out to “Shechen” to: Dilgo Khyentse Fellowship,  c/o Arabella Advisors, 275 7th Avenue, 15th Floor, New York, NY  10001. (note new address). Include your full name, address, email address, and phone number, and indicate if you want to sponsor a monk or a nun OR for the project you want to contribute to.

Bank Transfer: 

For information on how to send bank transfers or wires contact shechen.dkf@shechen.org