A new compilation of footage of Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche called Endless Rays of Blessings is available on YouTube. This thirty-minute tribute is comprised of footage shot both on 8MM and video in the 1970s and late 80s in the USA, India, and Tibet. Much of the footage has appeared before in the films Spirit of […]
感謝眾多善長的慷慨布施,我們還剩下三分之一,就能圓滿重修尼泊爾雪謙寺的$100,000美元配對捐款挑戰! 頂果欽哲仁波切是上世紀藏傳佛教其中一位最偉大的證悟者及傳法上師。離開西藏故鄉之後,他帶著清淨的教法在尼泊爾建立雪謙寺,培育過千位未來的導師,並以他的著作及親身造訪將佛法帶到西方。幾乎當今所有的大師都曾於他跟前接受教法,並從他的存在與智慧中有所獲益。 仁波切慈悲廣大的願景體現在寺院之中。在這所寺院內,仁波切與其他大師們傳授過非常多教法與灌頂,滿載著佛法的歷史與加持。2015年,寺院被地震嚴重損毀後,我們憑著施主們無施的支持,一直努力地重建及重修地震所造成的破壞。 此配對捐款是圓滿此艱巨任務非常重要的一步。若您已支持重建計劃,感謝您!若您仍未有機會,或希望作出歲末捐款,請就於今天支持仁波切的宏願並幫助我們達成目標! 將您的支持變成雙倍,並合力籌募餘下的34,000美元。 您所捐出的一分一毫,都將會讓我們與重修此充滿活力、寧靜並具殊勝加持的重要聖地的目標更進一步。 請於您的捐款中註明「重修」。 請把善款存入以下香港註冊之慈善機構的匯豐銀行戶口 (捐款港幣100元以上可索取慈善捐款收據,可作為扣稅用途): 賬戶名稱: Karuna-Shechen Asia Limited 銀行名稱: 香港上海匯豐銀行 賬戶號碼: 809-719727-838 銀行代碼: 004 SWIF代碼: HSBC HK HH HKH 銀行地址: 香港皇后大道中1號 總行 聯絡電郵: Ingrid.kwok@karuna-shechen.org 聯絡電話: +(852) 2520 6191/+(852) 6311 2269 謝謝您的支持!
We have amazing news! Right now, we have the opportunity to make the restoration of the Shechen Temple possible!
Our latest Shechen ENEWS has stories and photos of Rabjam Rinpoche’s travels, news of the Yarne, and more! Subscribe to get it delivered quarterly to your email.
Every year the Shechen monks in India and Nepal and our nuns in Bhutan observe the Summer Rains Retreat. In the Nepal monastery, the practice is being held in the dining room until the temple which was damaged in the earthquake, can be restored. The practice stems from the Indian custom established by the Buddha […]
We honor the resilience and courage of the Nepalese people on the anniversary of the second earthquake (7.3 magnitude) that struck the country on May 12, 2015. Nepal was still reeling from the devastating quake of April 25 when the second earthquake hit. It was followed by numerous strong aftershocks; created major landslides that buried […]
You can now read the latest newsletter about Rabjam Rinpoche, the nuns in Bhutan, and other new events. https://shechen.org/about/newsletters/14-may-2016-newsletter/#completion
Dear Friends of Shechen, On April 25, 2015 a 7.9 magnitude earthquake struck the heart of Nepal killing more than 9,000 people and injuring tens of thousands, destroying homes, world heritage sites, and many Buddhist monasteries. One of those most affected was our beloved Shechen Monastery, home to 500 monks,140 children, sacred art, and the […]
March 8 is International Women’s Day…a perfect time to honor Shechen nuns in Bhutan. One hundred and twenty nuns of varying ages live at the Shechen Orgyen Chozong Nunnery in Bhutan. Over fifty nuns attend the nunnery’s shedra (philosophical college, a 9-year course), seven are on three-year retreat in their small retreat center, and the […]
The annual ceremonies and sacred dances are continuing in Shechen Monastery Nepal just like they did every year since the time of the previous Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.