Shechen’s Spring 2018 Newsletter has reflections on the dance festival written by Helen Tworkov, news of our teachers, an article by Matthieu Ricard about the publication of an important Tibetan work, and more. Please go to And best is to subscribe to the newsletter and get it automatically every quarter.
In our first newsletter of 2018 read about the annual drupchen ceremonies and the follow the Restore Shechen campaign. Also in this edition meet our 37 new young monks and more! Wonderful photos help to tell the story. We hope you will subscribe to our newsletter to receive it automatically.
The calendar of ceremonies and dances at the Shechen Monastery is now available. We look forward to your visit!
Our last newsletter for 2017 extensively follows Khyentse Yangsi and Rabjam Rinpoche’s travels to various centers across the world including a number of Shechen centers. We also review the progress of the Shechen School, the nuns in Bhutan, the restoration process, and Matthieu Ricard’s new book.
We have changed our list of prayers that can be requested to make it more convenient to order. Have a look at the new pdf. Prayers for the deceased can be chosen on the second page, prayer numbers 35-48. Please remember to add the name of the person the prayers are dedicated to and send […]
Read our Spring Newsletter to find out where our teachers, Dilgo Khyentse Yangsi Rinpoche and Rabjam Rinpoche, have been, learn about an award-winning film by a Shechen Khenpo and how the Shechen Eco Group is working with the community, and more!
April 25th marks the second anniversary of the massive earthquake that hit Nepal. It is a day that will remain emblazoned in the minds of all those in Nepal on that fateful day. Much of the affected areas still needs to be rebuilt. At Shechen Monastery, we’ve made much progress in the restoration of the […]
The February Losar Newsletter is on-line. Read about the empowerments and drupchens and more. Subscribe to get it delivered quarterly to your email.
At the request of Dilgo Khyentse Yangsi Rinpoche, Adzom Gyalse Rinpoche, Changling Rinpoche and the entire monastic body of Shechen Tennyi Dargyeling (Shechen Monastery in Nepal), Rabjam Rinpoche has agreed to bestow the entire ripening empowerments and transmissions of Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche’s Gongter (mind treasures). This series of empowerments will be given from April 9th […]
視頻內容 「親愛的法友們: 我希望藉此機會感謝所有曾幫助過雪謙寺及與有關雪謙寺重建計劃的善長人仕。相信大家都得悉,2015年尼泊爾發生大地震,當時我們的寺院亦 遭受到嚴重的破壞。幸好我們能夠完好保存由依怙主頂果欽哲仁波切 (Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche) 親自開光的三尊大佛,但不幸的是,主殿的所有牆壁及壁畫都要重建,因為全都被嚴重損壞及破裂。為此我們一直非常努力地進行寺院的各項重建工程,所有堪布及工作人員都在盡心盡力地工作,希望能夠早日完工,好讓我們的年度大法會能夠繼續舉行。因此我們仍然需要您的幫忙,我懇請各位協助寺院的重建,讓我們儘早得以繼續進行寺院的各種活動,非常感謝大家。」雪謙冉江仁波切 新年快樂 我們已圓滿修復雪謙寺的十萬美元配對捐款! 來自27個國家的善長慷慨的捐款,讓我們籌得的捐款總數比十萬元目標超出了四萬二千美元。非常感謝如此踴躍的關注與恩惠,並讓我們深獲鼓舞。其中首次作出捐款的善長共有一百位。 正如雪謙冉江仁波切在此視頻中所說,仍有很多工作有待完成。而年度大法會還有一個月就要在尼泊爾展開。若您能夠繼續支持,或者您是首次捐贈者,又或希望作出每月定期捐款的話,請以下面的方式作出捐贈。 請把善款存入以下香港註冊之慈善機構的匯豐銀行戶口 (捐款港幣100元以上可索取慈善捐款收據,可作為扣稅用途): 賬戶名稱: Karuna-Shechen Asia Limited 銀行名稱: 香港上海匯豐銀行 賬戶號碼: 004-809-719727-838 SWIF代碼: HSBC HK HH HKH 銀行地址: 香港皇后大道中1號 總行 聯絡電郵: 聯絡電話: +(852) 2520 6191/+(852) 6311 2269 謝謝您們的支持!