Shechen Monastery Events Calendar for 2013

March 10th, 2013  |  Published in NEWS

We are happy to announce the  schedule for events at the Shechen Monastery in Nepal.

Shechen Monastery Events Calendar (early 2013)
Tibetan date Western Date Time Program of Events
1st day 12th month to 10th day 12th month Jan 12-21st daily Shechen Monastery will attend the Nyingma Monlam in Bodhgaya, India
18th day, 12th month 30th January 2012 all day Ceremonies for Anniversary of Kunkhyen Longchen Rabjam
6.Pm Dialectics debate by the Shedra Students
20th day, 12th month 1st February 2013 8. Am  Blessing of the Ground for Yamantaka (Shinjey) ritual
21st (22nd) day, 12th month 2nd February 6.Pm. Blessing of the Torma
23-27th 3-7th February  6.00 Am Yamantaka Gutor, “torma throwing rites” to avert negativity of the new year.
28th day, 12th month 8th feb 3.00 Am  Prayers
10.00 Am Cham, sacred lama dances related to the Yamantaka ritual
29th day, 12th month 9th feb 3.00 Am Prayers
 1.00 Pm Conclusion of the ceremony with the burning of the Torma
30th day, 12th month 10th February 4.00 Am Offering tormas to dharmapalas and offering thanks. 
11th Feb 2013: Tibetan Losar Water Snake Year 2140 
8th day, 1st month (TBA) 18th February 4.00 Am Vajrasattva Drupchen (Minling Dorsem)
8.00 Am Blessing of the Ground and Tagön
3.00 Pm Closing the Mandala for the Minling Dorsem Drupchen
9th-15th day 19-25th Feb all day  Main part of the Minling Dorsem Drupchen for seven days
16th day 26th Feb 3.30 Am Receiving Blessing from the Mandala of Minling Dorsem Drupchen
20th day 2nd March 8. 00 Am  Tsokchen Duepa & other Four Ka’ma Drupchens: Blessing of the Ground and Tagon
21st day 3rd March 9.00 Am Ka’ma Tsal Cham  (Lama Dance associated with Ka’ma Teachings) Anniversary of Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo
23rd day 5th March 1.00 Pm Closing the Mandala For the Five Ka’ma Drupchens
24-30th 6th-11th March all day Main part of the Tshokchen Duepa & Four other Ka’ma Drupchens for Seven Days
30th day 11th March 5.00 Am Garcham (Dance)
1st day, 2nd month 12th March Fire Puja & Anniversary of Penor Rinpoche
2nd day 13th March 3.00 Am Receiving Blessing from the Mandala of Tshokchen Duepa & Four other Drupchens                                                                                       Anniversary of Terdak Lingpa
8th day, 2nd month 20th March 6.00 Am Ceremony of Lama Sang-dues Drupcho for Three Days
9th day, 2nd month 21st March 5.00 Am Prayers
all day Rehearsal of the Tse-chu Cham (Sacred Dance Festival)
10th day, 2nd month 22nd March 3.00 Am Prayers
All day Great Tse-Chu Cham (Festival of Sacred Dance)