Shechen Nuns Study Science in Bhutan

September 1st, 2012  |  Published in NEWS

The nuns of Shechen Orgyen Chozong Nunnery in Bhutan hosted a special series of lectures on science given by Dr. Pier Luigi Luisi.

Dr. Luisi traveled to Bhutan from Italy especially to teach our nuns classical western science.  He presented the scientific view, often in comparison to the Buddhist view, on subjects such as “what is life and evolution.” The workshop began by exploring the Big Bang and the origin of life on earth.

A special visitor, Khyentse Yangsi Rinpoche, eagerly attended the workshop and engaged in many discussions with Dr. Luisi. To the surprise of all, the normally shy Bhutanese nuns asked questions and energetically discuss the new ideas among themselves and with their teachers.

Dr Luisi has been associated with the Mind and Life Institute from its inception. He is the author of Mind and Life (Columbia University Press 2009), a book about the interaction of science and Buddhism in Dharamsala at the Mind and Life meetings. He teaches biology and biophysics at the University of Rome.

We are honored that Dr. Luisi has brought his knowledge of science and his skill in teaching monastics to our nunnery. It was a delight to host this first ever science workshop for Bhutanese nuns and women.